Friday, February 10, 2017

Twenty-seven Years and Counting

Decorative solar dancing animals are the first thing people notice when they walk into the office of Beth Roberts '80, '05M in the Division for University Advancement. She uses them as ice-breakers for conversations she has when people drop by her office.

“I keep them in the window, they do their little dance and they get dusted a couple of times a year,” she said. “Besides, I’m not good with plants.”

The solar animals will remain a fixture in her office for a while, she said. Roberts ’80, ’05M has no plans to retire after 26 years at UNCW.

“It has been a lot of fun and I have learned a lot,” Roberts said. “I don’t know of any other place where I would have had such a well-rounded life. There are so many opportunities to participate in the community and be a lifelong learner.”

Roberts has worked with various departments and divisions across campus. She began her career in the biology department as an administrative secretary in 1991. Over time, her career shifted to focus on numbers.

Read more at We Are UNCW.

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