On Sunday, August 10, 2008 Seahawks from all over the Triangle area flocked to watch their favorite local AAA team the Durham Bulls take on the Richmond Braves. The event was sponsored by the Triangle Alumni Chapter and GEICO. As 120 Seahawks perched in the party deck enjoying ball park foods and good company, a large rainstorm moved in and soaked the stadium. (It was at that point that everyone in the stadium wished they were a Seahawk and protected under the party deck roof!) This would not however spoil the fun. After a few minutes of rain, the sky cleared and a rainbow appeared over Durham Bulls Athletic Park. The party continued on as everyone showed their Seahawk pride. Unfortunately the evening ended with a loss to the Richmond Braves in extra innings, but it did not dampen the spirits of all who attended as it was a great night of friends, family and baseball!
The Triangle Alumni Chapter will be hosting an interest meeting on October 16 where Chancellor DePaolo will be the key note speaker. Please visit www.uncw.edu/alumni and click on ‘Events Calendar’ for details as they become available.